Money Can’t Buy You Love, So Try These Valentine’s Ideas Instead

Money Can’t Buy You Love, So Try These Valentine’s Ideas Instead

Making someone feel special on Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to cost the earth. Here are ways to make an impression without breaking the bank.

Show someone you care this Valentine’s Day without paying through the nose for flowers or a meal out.

Here are some ideas for romantics on a tight budget and those who, like Janet Jackson, believe the best things in life are free.

Cook up a storm
Why head out to a crowded, noisy restaurant when you can enjoy an intimate dinner at home?
Make your partner their favourite dish or recreate a memorable meal you enjoyed together on holiday.
Or, if you’re confident in the kitchen, go all out on something fancy you’ve seen on MasterChef. 
It doesn’t matter if the end result isn’t perfect; your Valentine will appreciate the effort you’ve put in.
Light some candles, turn up the music and serve up a cocktail or mocktail that complements the food.

Enjoy an outdoor adventure
A Valentine’s Day hike, cycle or swim (if you’re really hardy) could be just the thing to create happy memories. 
After all, spending time in nature increases the production of the feelgood hormones serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine.
Visit a favourite beach, woodland or park and savour the scenery. Alternatively, wait until dark and enjoy a bit of stargazing. 
Wrap up warm and head to a location unimpeded by light pollution to marvel at the night sky. Take a torch (so you don’t trip) and download a stargazing app before you go.

Say it with music
In the 1980s it was common to make your crush a mixtape of favourite tracks on an old-school audio cassette (which they’d then listen to on an old-school Walkman).
Technology has moved on a lot since then. These days a digital mixtape in the form of a Spotify playlist serves a similar purpose.

So, compile a playlist for your Valentine featuring the music that means something to you as a couple.

Think about gigs or music festivals you’ve been to, soundtracks from favourite films and power ballads that you’ve belted out together in the car. 

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